Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Change is Constant

" Change is Constant "

by Suzán Jiván

Change is constant crashing the party
while still evolving new jazz harmonies
and playing eagerly year-by-year
after spackling the pristine
white teeth of malevolent families

abandoned in a subsequent crash
like unblinking cameras
of skeletal houses with famine animals
in front and in back of smoky glass
grisly theatrical as pairs of dancers
long been synapsed by contrarians

still fit for a prince seeming to flit
with a ridiculous spit polished
nubby nuance while closing the concert
with devoted followers
suffixed with, "cigar"

in its history as a sitcom
with workshops on tobacco farms
like sidebars for a Ponzi Schemes
while driving hard bargains
for the most popular genres
from any row or column

outlined by a box
of popular mythology
at times like a little odd
comical robot cracked on top
spewing clouds of dialogue
"smoking or non"...

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