Monday, August 13, 2012

The Inner Solar System

" The Inner Solar System "

by Suzán Jiván

The inner solar system
within proximity
to temporary rings
varying, detangling
beacons sweeping
at warp speed
doomed to extinguishment
by coronal streamers

as megadunes loom
increasingly unsuitable
habitats for humans
as proof of huge
granular pillows
pricked with drip systems
scoured by gritted winds
and silted by diverted rivers
where fish used to swim

reduced to a trickle
difficult to calculate
undoubtedly replaced
by the newest data
of original names
from previous

operating with free reign
on opposing banks
powered by hand cranks
as staples of the sacred

without realizing the secrets
of decoding machines
raised in eras
of prominent ideas
becoming clearer
by required readings
being brought to the brink

heavily erased and penciled in
in mid river where the air is thick
with the cost of doing business
by rubbing sticks
side-splittingly inflicted as seen fit...

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